Yes, we did this earlier in the year, but we changed our collective mind. In order of interesting-ness, here is what we have planned:
We decided to target fantasy/masquerade dresses inspired by playing cards. Our inspiration dresses are purely that... Inspiration. Color, and detail (and shape in Lisa's case) will all be modified. Robin will be the (non-Alice) Queen of Hearts and is using this dress as her inspiration:
Lisa will be the Queen of Clubs. She chose a picture from a Victorian masquerade idea so she will need to make it into a Court gown. Since green was the color of clubs (in France a longish time ago) she picked a soft green poly/silk taffeta. And since the Queen of Clubs was also the flower queen (often thistle) she is sneaking peaks at Mme de Pompadour who wore lots of flower embellishment.
We are thinking about making paper wigs. OK, Robin is definitely making a paper wig. Lisa is thinking about it.
Lisa is drafting patterns for pocket hoops from Corsets and Crinolines and we're looking at dress and underthings patterns.
Target completion: Costume College 2014
ALSO, we plan to make Regency dresses, from the underthings out. And men's clothes to go with them because of the Tall Ships Adventure. Costume required. We are looking at this silhouette because we think the lower, more fitted waist will be more flattering. We will also make a spencer or pelisse.
All super easy. We'll just whip these out without a hitch.
But before we can even start, there are just a few things left to do to clear the decks:
Robin: Finish the trim on her lavender Dickens dress, and finish the trim on her Renaissance dress (which may be sidelined due to being utterly sick of it by now). She also needs to finish making her Pirates of the Caribooban outfit for Halloween.
Lisa: just spent a week making pirate garb for the Young Actors Haunted House which raises money and happens during the HMB pumpkin festival. She made 5 vests, 5 sashes, 4 headscarves, 4 distressed pair of pants.... nevermind, she doesn't even want to TALK about pirates right now...
Then she needs to make a costume for the offspring
because it's Halloween. She will be making Conner Kenway from Assassin's Creed.
She will be drafting the coat pattern. She has NO IDEA how she will do this. Especially since her model is a 12 year old boy who cannot stand still.
Once this is done Lisa will make the linen lounge pants from the Decades of Style pattern. Then start on the long postponed AntEater dress and her TV riding habit.