Robin is camping. She's been busy sewing in every spare moment. She's taking pictures. She has utterly failed to post them.
I'm home, and trying to sort out my new life. I am still spinning. I have some soft celery green fiber that I want to turn into a hat. Not because I want a hat, but I think that's all I will have after I'm done spinning.
I'm letting all my partially made projects sit idle for a bit. Turns out, retiring involves a LOT of eating and drinking with friends and co-workers. I'm feeling bloated. I'm also getting more exercise, so my hamstring attachments (nice phrase for my bottom) are a bit 'fatigued'. Gimme a couple weeks to get on a schedule. Then I'll be ready to fit the garments that are hanging, half done, on the back of my bathroom door.
I woke up yesterday with a very neat idea for a skirt. It is neither costume nor everyday wear. So OF COURSE I want to make it.
I will post a picture once I draw one that looks like my mental image.