Wednesday, October 10, 2012

And now the annual Halloween interruption - L

Every year my projects are interrupted by my son's need for both a Halloween costume, and a costume for our town's haunted house.  He just keeps growing so the pirate costume has to be re-made year after year.  This year he isn't even at home!  He has a school camp for the week before the haunted house.  I had to make him a shirt without having HIM to measure.  Yes, I could have planned ahead, but where's the fun in that?

I literally threw this together last night.  The shirt and cuff hems aren't done, and I want to practice tea dying with this.  I also want to try to distress the edges since he's supposed to be a ghost pirate.  The cat will provide the obligatory shedding, but not the shredding.  She's just to old to care.

I had no pattern and roughly based this on the renaissance chemise pattern.  I made up a simple stand up collar and a faux yoke.  Now on to Halloween!

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