I can post from my phone, but not add pictures! My computer, she is nearly dead. My hard drive is slowly fragmenting. But I've been busy and having fun.
Made corded stays that failed. Badly.
Made a 30's blouse that is pictured on Wearing History blog somewhere in the Costume College pictures.
I've been doing a lot of therapeutic knitting.
I made a Cobweb costume for CoCo.
I helped with costuming for MacBeth in out local community theater.
I made jeans from Smooth Sailing pattern and I love them them more than anything.
Robin made some giant amazing wings.
And we are leaving for 3 weeks in China and Mongolia very soon.
My computer should be fixed when I get back and I promise to start posting, and posting pictures again. And in the mean time, I'm knitting the Clapotis. Because everyone knits the Clapotis sooner or later.
BRB, Lisa