Wednesday, April 24, 2013

New Doublet muslin

Had to make a new muslin for Boyfriend's doublet because, after I made the pants, I found the original one would've been too small. Margo Anderson advises making the pants first and she is SO RIGHT! Those pants added two inches to his waist!
Now I'm working on the interlining (canvass) with the interfacing sort of "quilted" to it.  When this is done, I get to cut on the hated velvet. I'll have to be sober for that....

I had to approximate what these pieces looked like as my dog has taken quite a liking to eating pattern pieces, the more expensive or important, the better.  We now call him "Repository" or "The Vault". He did eat all of the Laughing Moon Frock Coat, but I hated that pattern anyway...

Next up, Velvet Cutting!  Wish me luck.

The Ren chemise is finished at last!-Robin

 Well, it took me long enough.  This has sat, cut out, in it's bag for almost a year but after sewing petticoats and other white things, my brain just wanted color, so this had to wait.
Here it is. Haven't tried it on, don't care, it's done.
Boyfriend's comment was "Your not really that big are you?"
I think I may have to shoot him.

Here's a link to where it all started:
Renaissance Dress
Close up of the machine embroidery. That was truly a learning experience!  They make it sound so EASY!

Finished the jacket - L

This is the Truly Victorian pattern TV 464 Riding Habit Bodice.  This is not designed to be a 'properly tailored' jacket.  But it looks like one.  And it's all me.  I love all menswear inspired stuff, and am not generally a frilly kind of girl.  Then again, a peek of ruffle or lace is always awesome.

It's just a quick phone-pic.  The fabric is grey wool lined with black satin.  The lapels are black wool and the collar is black velveteen.  The shiny things at collar and cuff are the pins I made for my skirt.  As skirt decorations, they were a disaster.  They caught on things, snagged the skirt, and fell off.  Please note the small bit of cat in the upper right corner.  The fur is beautifully coordinated.

(prior post with the decorations and the skirt is here)
And a poor quality mirror picture actually wearing it:

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

RELEASE the....yeah, you know - Lisa

IT'S DONE!  Sure I have some wires to trim.  I still haven't decided if I want to glue washers to look like suckers.  I hope to actually put it on and take pictures very soon.  And of course I'll be wearing it this weekend at Nova Albion.  

It is big.  It is heavy.  I am happy.  

You really can't see the butterfly bustle in this picture. And I forgot to buy batteries.  So I'll have to post another picture tomorrow.  Thing is, it hung like this all night and NOTHING FELL OFF!

What you can't see is that the eyeball casing opens and closes to allow access to batteries and to turn the eyes off and on.  And the latches I bought to keep it closed were too big.  So right now it is help closed with masking tape.  Worst case I will use clear packing tape to keep it closed.

Here is a side view.  See how the belt is pulling away?  This is what had me concerned.  This will pull my waist bands every which way and look crummy.  THIS is why I made the swiss waist.  And a butterfly bustle made with window screening.

Now I can wear the kraken with impunity.  Things can pull any which way an no one will see.  Everything will be stable and hidden underneath. 

I finished that last night too!  See the clever elastic sides?  Easy to hook and the hooks stay taut.  It also has clever little rings hanging in the front.  For gear.