I'm looking forward to a mother/son hour of indulgence this Saturday evening with a new Who. There will be treats both physical and mental (ice cream!).
And separately, after last weekend's fittings, I felt I could cruise on through to the finish on my outfit. What a silly girl I am! After sewing up all but one of the big seams, I find I have finished to do. Facings, trim, bones, seam finishing....it's endless. I am currently making lace for the neckline. Couldn't do THAT until I could measure the neckline, could I??? And I still haven't even touched the skirt (although someone has...there's a little grease spot).
In the mean time, check out this suit that I want to make so very badly:
For the record, I would make the skirt less full and a bit shorter. Channeling a bit more 1911 and a little less Gibson Girl. L.